Πέμπτη 2 Ιουλίου 2009

To the Indian tribes of Peru, from the Greek “SINDESMOS 120-4S”

To the Indian tribes of Peru, from the Greek “SINDESMOS 120-4S”

We provide our support, to the chiefs of the Indian tribes of Peru who fight for the protection of the tropical forest, to withstand the government’s attack while they are blocking off the roads between the cities of Tarapoto and Yurimaguas,
We stand by the side of 600.000 local Indians who oppose to the arrangements of the government to release 25 millions of farming land and tropical forest to Multinational Companies in quest of precious ore and oil, ruining their fatherland, their homes their families, their lives.
Friend Indians of the Amazon, keep this universal heritage of all the people on earth. The tropical forest of the Amazon belongs to all of us.
It is a brave and heroic deed that you opposed your wooden spears to the government’s military and security forces. It only brings back to our minds Leonidas who stayed to keep Thermopyles. A Spartan would say, “Spartans don’t ask how many the enemies are but where they are”.

LAMIA 35100
e-mail : sindesmos1204@yahoo.gr
mobile: +30 6944749807